Mobile Application Security Testing Methodology and Approach

Ensuring the security of web and mobile applications, as well as the infrastructure and processes in use, is a long-term and effort-intensive initiative. To secure the mobile application from cyber-attacks, it is essential to follow security measures. As mentioned in the document, the mobile app developed mobile app security with a proper security framework can help avoid future threats from cybercriminals, thus gaining the users’ confidence. When it comes to business, it is all about the trust and confidence of the users, which can be gained by deploying a high featured app with a solid security framework.

security approaches in mobile applications

Periodic penetration testing by third-party providers helps analyze the efficiency of enacted cybersecurity measures and address the inconsistencies found. Security Monkey is an excellent tool from Netflix that can analyze your AWS infrastructure and highlight the components in need of reconfiguring security measures. Standard DAST and SAST tools can be too time-consuming for dynamic DevOps-based Agile development as they can only work with pre-configured test cases. This resulted in the development of hybrid IAST tools that perform dynamic application testing on the run and use the output from the previous test cases to build new ones. DAST is used to detect injections, issues with interfaces, user sessions, and more.

Desktop software security checklist

Therefore, the attacker will get stuck, even after gaining the credential details. Protecting only APIs and other components is not enough, as data is also a primary element. Hackers can breach and read if you store and process user input and any additional information in its original format.

security approaches in mobile applications

Data encryption helps you prevent access to sensitive data from unauthorized entities. When used on unknown devices, mobile apps can encounter vulnerable operating systems, unsecured networks, malware, and more. Mobile apps need protections from these widely-varying potential risks.

Application Delivery in VMware Based Data Center

App delivery includes methods like streaming, where the application is not placed on the endpoint device. A vulnerability known as cross-site scripting XSS enables an attacker to insert client-side code into a webpage. This provides the attacker with direct access to the user’s sensitive information. SQL injection is a strategy used by hackers to exploit database vulnerabilities. These attacks can reveal user passwords and identities, allow attackers to destroy or edit data, and create or create user rights.

This can be attained by requiring the user to provide a password and a username when logging in to an application. Generally, multi-factor authentication requires more than one type of authentication- the factors might include something you know , something you are , and something you have . Once an individual has been authenticated and utilizes the application, other security policies can protect sensitive information from being used or seen by a cybercriminal.

security approaches in mobile applications

Giving high-level authorization such as administrator to the normal user could result in data theft and tampering with the entire app. The authorization should always take place on the server-side to verify the role and permissions of the authenticated users. Once the cyber security team is concluded with the tests, documenting process begins to generate the report. The detailed report should describe each vulnerability identified as well as the method of identifying it. Also, there should be potential recommendations for each finding that will be helpful to mitigate the risk.

Low data transmission protection threshold

A complete application security approach aids in the detection, remediation, and resolution of a variety of application vulnerabilities and security challenges. Solutions for linking the impact of application security-related events to business outcomes are included in the most effective and advanced application security plans. You have to do most of the development and implement security measures manually. Unlike SAST, DAST is the method where you’ll have to run the application to test it.

  • In order for the application to match only validated user credentials to the approved user list, authentication must take place before authorization.
  • Below are the top approaches you should keep on priority while developing an Android application.
  • Hardware application security refers to a router that stops anyone from viewing a computer’s IP address over the Internet.
  • A security engineer delves into the application by manually inspecting the source code and looking for security issues.
  • The app must create a secure HTTPS channel to exchange data within this session.

The changing nature of how enterprise applications are built over the last many years has aided the rapid expansion of the application security industry. It’s possible that you might have created vulnerabilities while developing your applications. And it’s not scalable for you to manually go through every bit of your application to find such issues. Snyk will scan your application’s code and find such issues and inform you about them. If that’s enough, Snyk can also fix vulnerabilities in your application. Snyk provides a wide range of repository support and reporting features.

Minimal Protection across Data

Across a total 75 apps, our engineers successfully compromised 84% of them in 15 minutes or less. Mobile apps, especially those running on unmanaged devices, are increasingly under attack. This is accomplished solely through the use of an application to test it for security flaws; no source code is necessary. A security engineer delves into the application by manually inspecting the source code and looking for security issues. Vulnerabilities unique to the application can be discovered through understanding the application. DAST is a more proactive approach, simulating security breaches on a live web application to deliver precise information about exploitable flaws.

security approaches in mobile applications

This can be done by encryption and decryption of data during transfer. Now, this method is used in network communication for safe communication and storage of data. Using a strong data encryption technique, application data such as source code, user info, login credentials, app storage can be secured from hackers. Once the data is encrypted, even if the hacker steals the data, it becomes difficult to interpret the original content. In the prevailing demand for apps, most companies ignore implementing app development and maintenance security protocols.

Mobile Application Security Testing – Methodology and Approach

There is increasing pressure and incentive to assure security not only at the network level but also within individual applications. One explanation for this is because hackers are focusing their attacks on applications more now than in the past. Application security testing can expose application-level flaws, assisting in the prevention of these attacks. A majority of applications these days deal with sensitive and confidential data. Whether it’s data in transit (data flowing between an application’s components) or data at rest , data encryption is important.

Both the data at rest and the data in transit within your infrastructure must be encrypted using secure algorithms. In that case, should it even be stolen, hackers won’t be able to decipher it. Also, you can contact our security team that will perform a detailed assessment of your cybersecurity needs and will provide a quote of the scope of work needed. This manipulation of your databases using malicious SQL code can result in damaged database tables, an unauthorized elevation of access rights, and more. Now that we’ve talked about software types and how to secure them, let’s discover the breaches applications are usually affected by. So, the mobile product should work optimally in any heterogeneous network environment considering the trend of mobile services in a fairly wide range of wireless networks.

Must Know Approaches for Maintaining Mobile Application Security and CIA Traits

Digitization being our key strategy, we digitally assess their operational capabilities in order to achieve our customer’s end- goals. The buffer overflow happens when malicious code is injected into the system’s designated memory region. Typically overflowing the buffer zone’s capacity makes the surrounding areas of the application’s memory overwritten with data, thus posing a security threat.

Sadly, if the performance of a key application degrades, usually the end-user notices before the IT does; this can translate to loss of funding, loss of users, and loss of revenue. Generally, IT administrators increasingly consider software applications to deliver a top priority. Many delivery application options have been developed in response to this growing need, and new terms to talk about those options. Additionally, sensitive data is also more vulnerable in cloud-based applications since that data is transmitted through the internet from the user to the app and back. Application security testing tools can scan all application components to ensure they are fully patched. For instance, such a tool might alert an administrator if an FTP server enables anonymous users to write to it.

The data available in mobile banking applications can include financial details such as credit card and debit card numbers, CVV, etc. If a banking app is compromised, it becomes easy for the hackers to get hold of the entire mobile. The hackers can make a transaction on the customer’s mobile without their knowledge. The lack of mobile app security also causes financial losses to the company through fines, compensation, restoration, etc. Remote attackers can employ distributed denial-of-service or denial of service attacks to flood a targeted server or/and the infrastructure that supports it with various types of traffic.

And, if your app has any potentially vulnerable loophole, it can result in identity theft, data breach, and heavy monetary losses. Therefore, focusing on secure mobile application development is necessary to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of such data. Ensuring application security by design is much easier and cheaper than patching it incessantly or dealing with the consequences of data breaches. We know it’s easier said than done, and that’s why we’re listing the ten key aspects of building secure applications you should adhere to. This is a kind of white-box testing where the tester knows the software architecture and has access to the source code.

This leads to the hacking of legitimate apps to extract data from them. It occurs in various places such as binary data stores, cookie stores, SQL databases, etc. With a team of 700+ technology experts, we help leading ISVs and Enterprises with modern-day products and top-notch services through our tech-driven approach.

It involves fuzzing — overloading the app with incorrect and unexpected commands to find breaches based on the app’s behavior under load. This is an attack aimed at uploading malicious files to the server, forcing an application to run them and provide the hacker with access to your data. A very widespread hacking technique, reverse-engineering involves using the output of debuggers to understand how your code works. Xamarin and Java apps are more susceptible to it than C++ applications as they can be decompiled much easier. To prevent this, use non-linear operations within your app and minimize the amount of information exchanged between the components to provide minimum input for debuggers.


Therefore, mobile application security is becoming a core part of protecting users’ and enterprises’ private data from various security threats. In this article, we will have a look at how we can achieve security in cross platform mobile applications. Application security is a crucial part of the software development life cycle, and getting it right should be a top priority in today’s ever-advancing digital ecosystem. The rise of new architectures such as frameworks and cloud-native offers new attack surfaces.

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